I simply don't know where time goes ... really does not seem like a full year has passed since the last Easter!
We started off this year with Easter egg coloring on Saturday night. Kandice, Josh, Jade, Brit, Branson, Gavin and Brit's mom, Wendy, were all able to come. We missed Chels and Brian, but have told her that they definitely need to be here next year when she is all done with school.
We had a chance to visit and eat and then started the coloring. I couldn't convince the "older" kids to wear their ears this year! Gavin and Branson weren't so happy to have them on either. Once I put the ears on my head, Branson was a bit more willing to put his "hat" on his head!

The coloring of eggs is such a competitive thing (even among adult "kids") at times. It is so fun to have the "kids" here to do this each year and hope we may have started a tradition.

Branson and Gavin weren't so much into coloring eggs, but they enjoyed eating Peeps! Gavin was not happy at all when I took the mushy mess that was a Peep out of his mouth! He was really enjoying it.

It was nice to have everyone here, and glad that Wendy joined us for the craziness as well. They are living up here for the summer so hope we can get together more often.
Sunday I watched both sessions of conference while cooking Easter dinner. I really enjoyed the talks and feel I am ready to start bringing more of the "spirit" into my home. We have been away from it for so many years ... gotta take baby steps but I do feel it's "time."
We ate ham, potatoes, pea salad, jello, rolls and of course deviled eggs! Jade, Brit, Branson, Gavin, Kandice, Josh and Brit's mom, were all here for dinner. We had a nice visit, good food and fun.
Once again, we were missing Chelsie and Brian, but I am so proud of her. She made her own "traditional" Easter dinner and had Brian's sister and her boyfriend for dinner!
We should never forget the real reason for the Easter holiday and the sacrifice Jesus made for us. I am so thankful that I was born when I was, to the parents I was born to and the religion I was born into. I do have so many blessings and diligently give thanks for all of those blessings each day in my prayers. We all need to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us so that we can all have the blessings that we have!
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