Friday was double discount day for Smith's employees and they had Santa in the store for the kids. Kandice and I met up with Jade and Brit and Glen there to let Branson and Gavin see Santa and get some Christmas shopping done. I think this picture of Branson pretty much explains it all. HE DID NOT LIKE SANTA! He was TERRIFIED. I have never seen him cry like that over a stranger before. After sitting on his lap, I took him over to the side where they had donuts and apple juice. He would take a bite of the donut and drink the juice, but the whole time he had his eyes on Santa making sure he was staying put. Gavin didn't seem to mind at all. He is such an adorable quiet little guy!

After shopping, we headed to Chili's for dinner. We had a great time and lots of laughs thanks to Branson. He made quite a mess. Jade and Brit paid $5 for a plate of mac & cheese off the children's menu, which Branson proceeded to throw onto the floor, along with the napkins he shredded into tiny pieces and any other food item we handed him. He is quite the character. I can't get enough of his sweet smile and how much he loves his grandma.
Saturday it was snowing when we woke up. I snowed, and snowed and snowed. I was watching the boys while Brit went to work and Branson and I watched it snow all day. He spent a good part of the day watching out his bedroom window at the snow falling. It was a great day to just stay inside and cuddle up with my two favorite boys.

Sunday morning Brit called and asked if I wanted to come and play in the snow with her and Branson. We had been waiting for a good day to get him out in the snow to play. He giggles when the snowflakes fall from the sky and land on his face, so we thought he would love to play in it as well. We thought wrong. She got him all bundled up in snow pants, boots, hat, mittens and coat. He couldn't move! He reminded me so much of the little boy in Christmas Story. If he fell down in the snow, that is where he stayed. He couldn't stand up. He would just grunt and groan and then start to scream for me or mom to pick him up! When I got there, she had started a snowman and Branson just reached his arms up and wanted me to hold him. I tried to show him how to make a snow angel and snowballs, but he just wanted to get in the car and go "bye." He thought he was being scammed after his mom got him all dressed up to go. Why weren't we going anywhere ...?

I spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up on the couch with the remote and crocheting the last couple of Christmas gifts for the kids.
I am busy getting ready for Christmas and having all my kids, kids-in-law and grandkids here. Chels and Brian will be here Friday night so we can have our family Christmas! I can't wait to see them.
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
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