Branson and Roxy wondering if they could make a clean escape out the window!
It has been a crazy BUSSSSSY month it seems. I don't seem to have much spare time these days. We've been enjoying watching Branson grow right before our eyes. He has now got four teeth (two more will be in within the next few days). He has learned to walk. He just takes off and goes. He seems to go so fast for such a little guy. He wanders around all day long jabbering to himself, humming and pushing his "swatter." His favorite toy in the whole wide world is a fly swatter. He sees grandma swatting flies and laughs and laughs. He decided they are a great shovel, cane, poker. He pushes it into, under, over, around or on top of anything and everything in the house jabbering to himself the entire time. He has learned so many words. He is such a smart little guy. He will be 1 on the 26th of this month. I can't believe it. It seems that he was just born. Now we are eagerly awaiting the birth of his baby brother, Gavin, who will be here in less than a month.
Jade and Brit have bought a trailer here in the park and have been busy getting it ready to move into. They have been painting and cleaning like crazy. It is a nice home and will be perfect for their little family. It will be nice to still have them so close so I can get baby hugs and kisses often!
I have also taken up the hobby of jewelry making. I am totally obsessed with it now. It is a great stress reliever and not a terribly expensive hobby. Here are a few things I have done. I'm not perfect at it yet, but am working on it every chance I get.

Mom, you've gotten pretty good at your jewelry making! Your necklaces are really pretty. You're gonna miss having Branson there saying "HI!" all the time and his loves that he gives you. But he and his cute baby brother will just be down the road!:)
Love it!!!! Carlie loves her necklace you made!! Great job!! I'll have to order some watch bands from you soon!!! I love those!
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