They finally got her going around 8:00 and the doc came in at around 10:30 to break her water. By 1:00 she was dilated to 7cm. She was very uncomfortable and having some pretty fast and hard contractions. Poor little Gavin's heart rate kept dropping. The nurses were alarmed, although they tried to stay calm around us girls. The only ones able to make it down to the hospital were Wendy (Brit's mom), Kandice and myself, and of course Jade. They had to put the little corkscrew thingy in Gavin's head to try to keep an eye on his heart rate, but even then they weren't able to get good readings, and when they did, it was very erratic. The nurse was afraid the cord was around his neck or that he was trying to come sideways.
The nurse finally told us that they were going to prep her to go to the OR for a c-section. That was Jade and Brit's worse fear. She has a 1-year-old baby at home who needs and loves his mama so much that she didn't want to be away from him for 24 hours, let alone four or five days. She was crying. I was crying. Kandice was crying. Wendy was crying. The only one staying dry eyed was Jade, and I think he was in a bit of shock. They had asked earlier for Brit to get a blessing and the nurses were trying to find someone in the hospital that held the priesthood to do it, but had no luck. I finally offered to say a group prayer and we all agreed that was a good idea. After we said the prayer I think our nerves settled a bit.
They wheeled Brit across the hall into the OR and we waited. They came and got Jade to get gowned up and go with her, and we waited. The OR doors had windows we could see through and we were spying through them. They soon moved a screen in front of the doors, so we just stood in the hallway and we waited, and waited. Someone came out and told us that she was fully dilated and going to try to deliver him normal. A few minutes later, we heard him cry. One of the nurses came out and told us he was here. He was fine. Brit was fine. Jade was fine. We waited for them to take him to the nursery.
We got to watch him get his bath and cleaned up through the window.

They finally brought him out to the room where Brit and Jade and the rest of us were waiting. He is so precious and so cute and cuddly. We all took turns loving him, cuddling him, dressing him, changing diapers and feeding him a bottle.

He looked just like his big brother at first, but then as the hours passed, he started to take on his own looks. He is wonderfully cute, healthy and and we are so glad he is finally here!

Brit is doing great. She was able to walk down the hall at about 6:00 to go visit in the waiting room with Branson. It is so sad that they won't let children under the age of 12 into the hospital rooms due to the H1N1 flu. I am sure he is missing his mommy, and she is missing him. We are missing him as well. We have gotten so used to seeing him nearly every day.
We look so forward to watching these two little guys grow and learn and become best buds!
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to be a grandma. I can't believe the love you feel for a grandchild. We are glad he is healthy and doing well, and Branson is having a fun time at his other grandma's house for the time mommy and daddy are at the hospital. They will all be home tomorrow afternoon. I am so glad that we get to live close enough to see him and his big brother and mom and dad very often!
1 comment:
What an experience! Nothing like Branson's easy birth, that little stink gave us quite the scare. I'm so glad that I got to be there for both of my nephew's birth's and that we got to be there together! Can't wait til Josh gets to meet the little guy. We need to plan the photo session...maybe this Sunday?
Love you.
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