I haven't posted in a while. Not really much exciting has happened in our lives over the past month (that is probably a good thing)!
Glen has been busy in our yard and his mom's yard and has things looking beautiful. He has quite a vegetable garden growing and keeping us all full of zuchinni. We have a HUGE pumpkin patch growing in the mulch pile as volunteers from last year's pumpkins. Glen had thrown six pumpkins in the mulch pile last year as we didn't get to carve them since Branson decided to be born that day! There must be at least 20 pumpkins growing out there now. We'll have fun carving this year for Branson's birthday party!
I spend most of my days working from home and watching Branson for a few hours a few afternoons a week. He is growing like a weed and is such a smart baby. He loves our cats, or "kees" as he calls them. He is crawling all over the place and walking around furniture. He will be walking before long I am sure. We are anxiously awaiting the new baby who is due Novemeber 5. I am so excited to have a new baby to hold and cuddle. Branson doesn't like to cuddle much anymore. He has much more important things to do than to sit on my lap and cuddle!
Chelsie and Brian came home last weekend and camped out at Glendale Lake in Brian's parent's camp trailer. They decided to try to get one camping trip in before summer was over and Chels started her busy schedule back in school. There are no mountains or nice lakes around Twin Falls so they were happy to have a weekend to spend outdoors. They told us all that if we wanted to see them we had to come to the camp spot and they wouldn't have to spend the weekend running to all ends of the county seeing everyone. It was nice. We went out both Friday night and Saturday we had a barbecue and dutch oven potatoes with our family, Brian's family and even some family friends showed up. The girls all sat down and made beaded watches, as I had taken my beads and stuff, while the boys played with the dogs and fished a bit. The food was delcious and it was nice to spend some time with the kids.
This is what my office looks like most afternoons. Branson just plays and plays. He is a good boy and so glad that we are able to spend as much time with him and watch him grow up.

One of his FAVORITE things is watching me vacuum. He used to crawl behind me and grab the cord. In fact, that's how we taught him to crawl. Now he just kind of sits off to the side and occasionally gets brave enough to crawl over and touch the big black "monster." If he is in the tub or highchair or in his bedroom and he hears the vacuum come on, he gets mad and throws a fit until he can come join me. He is just mesmerized by the vacuum. This is one of the mornings that Brit had him in the tub and he just had to get out and come help me vacuum.
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