Chelsie got her dress and veil and all yesterday. She emailed me pics last night and it is absolutely beautiful. She is going to be such a pretty bride.
I think it's going to seem weird to have all of our kids married. In my mind, I am still 26. How can I have three married kids??
My mom and sisters are on their way to Las Vegas right now to go watch the ACM award show in person. I am a bit jealous I must say. I hope they have a great time!
Brit and Jade found out that they are expecting again, and it has been quite a shocker for both of them. She was scheduled for gall bladder removal surgery and they did a routine urine test for pregnancy. She hasn't had a period since Branson was born and so doesn't know if she's even ovulated. The nurse came back and took blood for a blood test as the urine test was positive! The blood test came back positive as well. Needless to say, she didn't have the gall bladder surgery and the news kind of threw them into a tailspin for a few days! We are thrilled however and look very forward to having a new grand baby. Who could not be excited about more moments like this???

I was talking to Jade on the phone earlier tonight and Branson was giggling so hard in the background. I asked Jade what was going on and he said Branson has decided that Daisy (their black lab) is very funny to watch. We all laughed at the sound of his laugh for nearly five minutes on the phone. I could hear Brit in the background laughing. Jade and I were laughing and Branson just kept letting out belly giggles. There is nothing cuter in the whole world than the sound of a baby's giggle. I just can't tell you how much I love that sweet baby boy.
We are all so tired of snow and cold. Our yard is so saturated, muddy and most of the grass has standing water. We have had a heck of a time trying to find a place to take Roxy to play ball that she doesn't get all muddy! I will be SOOO happy for sun and warmth.
The Jazz have really been sucking it up lately and it is so frustrating to watch them lose over, and over, and over again. We have always been huge Jazz fans and were so stoked this season as even with all of the injuries they have been riddled with, they still played so well and had such energy. I don't know what's up with them this past couple of weeks, but they have gone from 3rd place in the western conference to 7th and are pushing 8th. They have been playing like they just really don't care. They play nearly all of the rest of their games (7 games left I think) on the road, and can't seem to win on the road this year. I really hope they can get to the playoffs and at least make it out of the second round. Don't know what we'll do when there aren't any Jazz games to watch. That's about the only thing we ever really sit down and watch on TV together.

Going Easter shopping for Branson tomorrow and seems so fun to go shopping for a child for Easter again. It's been a lot of years since I've bought stuffed bunnies and Easter baskets!
1 comment:
Your lawn is a joke, I can't believe how much water is on it! Last night was really fun and dinner was yummy. And hey, the Jazz didn't do too bad last night...hopefully they'll keep it up. Love you.
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