I woke up this morning to 6 or so inches of snow. Went out on my lunch and shoveled at least 8 inches off the driveway and sidewalk and neighbor's walk. Just now took Roxy and Buddy out for their last romp before it got dark and shoveled another 2 inches. ENOUGH ALREADY! Didn't we just SPRING forward this past weekend? I am protesting that too. I don't have enough hours in the day, why do they want to take one away from me?? It will take me weeks to catch up for that one hour!

Roxy does love the snow though. she loves to smash her ball down into the snow and then dig it out of the hole with her nose. At least someone likes it. This picture of her was taken after the first snowfall this winter. We have much, much more snow than that out on the grass now. We have at least another 3 feet in some places from where the snow has been piled from snow blowing and shoveling. I was just getting to where I had some grassy spots coming through on the south and west side of the house. Now it is all covered up again. At least we know that winter won't last forever (or we hope). It should be warm by the 4th of July. Only four more months ...

Houston, we have a problem ... do you see a black spot in the tree on the left-hand side? That is Roxy's ball. This afternoon while playing ball, after shoveling snow, I threw the ball up for Roxy to catch it and OOPS, it stuck in the branches of the tree. I probably couldn't do that again if someone paid me a million dollars to do it! So funny to see Roxy try to get it down. I thought she was going to climb right up the trunk of the tree. After she nearly had an anxiety attack, we finally had to go in the house and get her a new ball. Good thing we buy them by the dozen.

You don't have nearly as much snow as we do and it's still snowing! I'm done with it...DONE!!
We didn't get that much this time!! Thanks goodness. That is hilarious about Roxy's ball in the tree, for sure that couldn't happen again!!! Jeez. Have a good one!!!
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