TODAY is our sweet daughter,,,,,
KANDICE's, birthday! She is 27 today. I remember the morning before she was born so clearly it seems like it was just a couple of years ago, not 27! I was so scared and so excited. I was going to be a mother for the first time. I don't remember a whole lot after that until after she was born because they didn't have a doctor that could do epidurals at the hospital where she was born They gave me pain medication in my IV and things get cloudy from that point on. I do remember seeing her after she was born and thinking to myself how beautiful she was. Her daddy was so proud and he doted on her
SOOO much. She is a special girl and has always made us so proud to call her our daughter. We are so happy to spend time with her and are so glad they live close and we get to see them often. She is adored by anyone who gets to know her. She is so giving and cares about anything that lives and breathes. She still won't watch Bambie or Benji or any movie that has animals in it because she can't watch them be hurt. It is for that caring
attitude love her so much. Her and Josh are truly the happiest married couple we know and we are so happy that they found each other. We hope all your DREAMS come true SWEETHEART! We love you! HAPPY 27
th ... do something special today...

1 comment:
Thanks mommy! You and dad are the best. I love you both so much. Thanks for having me!:)
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