Our dear sweet daughter-in-law, Britt, had to go back to work a couple of weeks ago. She absolutely hates to have to leave Branson everyday. Her and Jade were able to work their schedules out so that he only has to be with someone else for three or four hours a day. Kandice is able to watch him most afternoons after she gets off work, but on the days that she isn't able to, I have been lucky enough to be able to babysit him. His mommy and daddy worry so much about him when they are gone. I have taken MANY pictures of the cute little guy while babysitting and wanted to share some of them to show his mommy and daddy that he is okey dokey when he is with grandma. I just happen to think he is the cutest baby in the whole wide world. He is so smiley right now and just on the verge of giggling. He coos and kicks his legs and swings his arms around and tries to have a conversation with you. I can't express in words how much I love him and look forward to each and every time I get to see him!

Is there anything sweeter?
Oh my baby is just beautiful! I HATE to leave him everyday. I miss him so much when Im gone. I know he just usually sleeps the whole time but I just can't stand it, I have to worry about him he is my angel and my miracle and if anything ever happened to him I would be ruined. Thanks for all your help with him, we appreciate it.
What a hansome little guy. I remember going back to work with mine too. It's very hard, I still cry sometimes on my way to the office. :( I love my job, but, it's hard to be gone.
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