Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Slip and Slide

I just thought I would share Roxy's latest indoor activity. Roxy's favorite activity is running outside and chasing the tennis ball over, and over, and over, and over, and over again and then taking a dip in her turtle pool.

Since it is winter and too cold to spend much time outside, she is quite bored and nearly drives us crazy with wanting to play ALL OF THE TIME. Due to the fact that she is so bored, she has invented her own new fun game. It's called slip and slide on the bed! We got a new comforter earlier in the winter. It is a very satiny and slick down alternative comforter. It slips and slides around on the bed quite easily. She starts running in the kitchen, down the hall, jumps on the bed and SLIDES across the bed on the slick comforter, launches herself off of the bed, back up the hall into the kitchen, turns around and starts the game all over again.

This is what the bed looks like before ...

This is what the bed looks like after ...

This is what Roxy likes to do after she pushes all of the bedding off of the bed.

She knows it is wrong. She knows she is going to get scolded, but she comes to me before I can even get a chance to look at the bed and does her apologizing. Roxy is such a sweet dog, and we believe she had been mistreated before we got her. She hates raised voices or harsh language. She nearly turns inside out trying to apologize. Her form of apology is putting her head as close to our chest as she can get it, and loving you and pawing at you until all you can do is laugh and it is impossible to be mad at the sweet girl.
She is like having a rambunctious 3 year old in the house all of the time. I don't know what Glen and I would do for entertainment without her! We sure do love Roxy ...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Our Fun Weekend and Wedding Planning Continued ...

Okay, so I think it's a bit early, but we have Chelsie and Brian's wedding pretty much planned! Chelsie and Brian were able to come home for a three-day weekend and we got SOOO much accomplished. With them living so far away, it is hard to get together very many times between now and July. We were able to meet with the lady that will be doing the backdrop, tables, chairs, centerpieces and all that good stuff on Friday night. They made quick decisions and I am so thrilled to be getting it all done through one company (and for a good price). They are getting married at Mack Park in Smithfield and it is such a beautiful setting and she has so many fun ideas.

On Saturday morning, Chelsie, Cathy and I we went to another bridal fair and got a lot of good ideas.

Saturday afternoon we got the three bridesmaids (Kandice, Brit, and Brian's sister, Cathy) and went dress hunting. January is not a good time to go summer dress shopping. We will have to do that another weekend. We did go to Michael's and buy 72 gerber daisies (HOLY COW). Dress shopping was a lot of fun and we had a lot of LAUGHS! I love shopping with my three girls. By Saturday night, they were able to decide on decorations, a photographer, cake decorator, refreshments and flowers. I feel like they got the biggest part of the "picking" stuff done and out of the way and that is quite an accomplishment for one weekend.

Saturday night we were able to get all of the kids together at Kandice and Josh's house for a belated birthday celebration for Josh. He had wanted the shoes that D-Will (from the Utah Jazz) has endorsed and Kandice and I were able to go to the mall and find them and buy them for him. He was SOOO excited and I love to see Josh happy!

It was so good to get the kids together and laugh and enjoy their company. I will be glad when Chels and Brian can move closer. She has 14 months of school left and then they can focus on coming back closer to home to find a job!

Branson is growing so fast. Today is he is 3 MONTHS OLD!!! I really do think he is smarter than he should be at this age. He has totally learned how to fake cry to get what he wants. I find it funny, but don't think that Brit and Jade find it quite as funny. He has also learned to blow raspberries. It is the cutest thing ever! Jade put him up on his chest while we were all together Saturday night and he would blow a raspberry at Branson, and Branson would do one right back at him. Of course as soon as Brit and I started taking video of it, he stopped but we sure did get some good laughs out of it. He is just so darned CUTE!

I love spending time with my family. I wish they all could live right here close to us forever. It is so great to be able to get together with them and wouldn't want to be any other place.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today is my dear, sweet son-in-law's birthday. We love Josh so much and appreciate how much he loves Kandice. He is so much fun to be around. He makes me laugh with his quick wit and he can be such a smart *** at times, but that is what we love about him. He is also a very talented song writer and musician. We love it when he agrees to play for us, which doesn't happen often enough. We are so glad that he is a member of our FAMILY. He makes our Kandice so very happy and we are so pleased to see that they are so happy in their marriage. We hope ALL YOUR DREAMS come true and you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSHUA! See ya Saturday for your celebration!

Monday, January 12, 2009


This past weekend Brian's mom, Carla, and I drove out to Twin Falls to see Chelsie and Brian. She wanted us to come out to go with her to a bridal fair. We left VERY EARLY Saturday morning and got there just in time to go to the fair. It was in a beautiful place that sits on the edge of the HUGE gorge just west of the bridge. I have a terrible fear of heights so it was a bit TOO CLOSE to the edge for me, but it was a beautiful place to take pictures. Take a look at the background of these pics.
The bridal fair was nice. They gave away a lot of fun stuff but as hard as she tried, Chelsie didn't win anything. We were able to get a lot of price lists and ideas anyway. They had a fashion show and the dress that Chelsie has picked out was one that was modeled in the fashion show. We teased Brian and asked him if he could guess which dress it was, and he didn't even want to play along and give us an answer. I think he knew that he couldn't give a right answer! He was such a trooper. He trodded around with us all day and never complained. We went to the mall and picked up the band part of her wedding ring and looked for a ring for Brian. We had a good lunch at Chili's and then ...
... GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN! Carla, Chelsie and I drove to Jackpot to spend the night. I had a free room and food coupons so it wouldn't cost us anything but gas to drive the 45 miles from Twin. We had a beautiful room, good dinner and a lot of fun. I enjoy spending time with Chels. She makes me laugh! It was a good weekend and so good to see the kids.

She'll be home in two weeks to go to the bridal fair in Logan. Brian politely asked if it would be okay if he sat this one out ... he's all bridal faired out I guess.
Glen stayed home and took care of the critters and painted all of the kitchen cabinets. They look GREAT and so surprised that he got it all done in two days. THANKS HONEY!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Our dear sweet daughter-in-law, Britt, had to go back to work a couple of weeks ago. She absolutely hates to have to leave Branson everyday. Her and Jade were able to work their schedules out so that he only has to be with someone else for three or four hours a day. Kandice is able to watch him most afternoons after she gets off work, but on the days that she isn't able to, I have been lucky enough to be able to babysit him. His mommy and daddy worry so much about him when they are gone. I have taken MANY pictures of the cute little guy while babysitting and wanted to share some of them to show his mommy and daddy that he is okey dokey when he is with grandma. I just happen to think he is the cutest baby in the whole wide world. He is so smiley right now and just on the verge of giggling. He coos and kicks his legs and swings his arms around and tries to have a conversation with you. I can't express in words how much I love him and look forward to each and every time I get to see him!

Roxy loves to babysit too. She just watches him and looks at me like I should do something RIGHT NOW if he cries. She wants to lick his head, but we can't let her do that!

Is there anything sweeter?

Monday, January 5, 2009


Today is my sweet boy's 24th birthday. I can't believe that he could be 24. I still remember so clearly being pregnant with him and his adorable chubby cheeks when he was born. He was such a funny and inquisitive child. It truly seems like a miracle that we survived the teenage years, piercings, tattoos, attitudes and listening to his AWFUL music, but he has grown into such a great MAN! He is a wonderful father to Branson and husband to Brittiney. Brittiney is an angel to put up with him at times! One of the most touching moments in my life was watching my son become a father. He fell instantly in love with his sweet baby boy. We are so blessed to have him and Brittiney live near us so that we can spend good times together!

Hope you have a GREAT BIRTHDAY Jader. We love you more than words can say and want all your hopes and dreams to come true!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Today is my beautiful baby sister's birthday. She is turning the BIG 40. She is stressing out about it! I told her that age is just a number and she still looks 30. She is a beautiful person, great mother and sexy hot mama! She was born five years and one day after me and I was so glad to have a baby sister. I still remember my dad taking me up the back steps of the OLD Salina Hospital to look through a window to see her after she was born. That was back in the OLDEN DAYS when they wouldn't let you have visitors. I remember her rosy red cheeks and dark hair. She was my sweet baby sister growing up and am so glad I can say she's MY sister! LOVE YA SIS!

She's a hot mama!

Just mom and the girls


Today is my 45th (holy cow) birthday. I would like to point out that 45 sure feels a heck of a lot older than 44. We have a WHOLE BUNCH of birthdays the first of the year beginning with mine. Not doing much special today, just working and cleaning house. I had the day off yesterday and Glen took me to dinner. We are having a family dinner on Sunday to celebrate Jade's birthday, which is January 5, and my birthday. Of course I am doing the cooking and he requested the traditional roast, potatoes, gravy, rolls and cake and ice cream, so we'll celebrate more then!

This is a picture of me and mom when I was about 3 years old I guess. Mom sure is a pretty and stylish young lady!