I just thought I would share Roxy's latest indoor activity. Roxy's favorite activity is running outside and chasing the tennis ball over, and over, and over, and over, and over again and then taking a dip in her turtle pool.

Since it is winter and too cold to spend much time outside, she is quite bored and nearly drives us crazy with wanting to play ALL OF THE TIME. Due to the fact that she is so bored, she has invented her own new fun game. It's called slip and slide on the bed! We got a new comforter earlier in the winter. It is a very satiny and slick down alternative comforter. It slips and slides around on the bed quite easily. She starts running in the kitchen, down the hall, jumps on the bed and SLIDES across the bed on the slick comforter, launches herself off of the bed, back up the hall into the kitchen, turns around and starts the game all over again.
This is what the bed looks like before ...

This is what the bed looks like after ...

This is what Roxy likes to do after she pushes all of the bedding off of the bed.

She knows it is wrong. She knows she is going to get scolded, but she comes to me before I can even get a chance to look at the bed and does her apologizing. Roxy is such a sweet dog, and we believe she had been mistreated before we got her. She hates raised voices or harsh language. She nearly turns inside out trying to apologize. Her form of apology is putting her head as close to our chest as she can get it, and loving you and pawing at you until all you can do is laugh and it is impossible to be mad at the sweet girl.

She is like having a rambunctious 3 year old in the house all of the time. I don't know what Glen and I would do for entertainment without her! We sure do love Roxy ...