This is my adorable first grandchild, Branson, and our rescued Boxer/Pit bull, Roxy. Roxy was being kept at our neighbor's house as her owner had been kicked out of his house, and was staying at our neighbor's. He was just a teenager and didn't have the means to take care of Roxy. She hadn't had food or water for at least two days and it was very cold and snowy. It was Thanksgiving weekend. She was six months old and her eyes told the saddest story. My husband took her food and water, and discovered that her food/water dish had frozen to the ground and she didn't have shelter. She was being kept on a 6 foot chain in the snow. Our hearts melted and my husband talked to the boy who owned her. He told my husband he needed to find a home for her or he was taking her to the animal shelter later that day. My husband's heart melted, and he brought Roxy home. She ran right in the house and hopped up on the bed like this is where she had always lived. She has been with us nearly three years now, and she is such a joy. She is one of the smartest dogs I have ever met. She understands every word we say. She had obviously been abused as curse words (no matter who they're spoken to) upset her so bad. She sulks and stands up to your chest and lays her head on your chest to apologize as if she were in trouble. She loves everyone unconditionally and wants nothing more than for someone to throw her ball a few times a day. She is like the eternal 4 year old child living in our house. There is not a person in the world who could be as happy to see us as Roxy is when we come home. She has found a new love in our two grandsons. They live less than a block from us and her tail wags until we're afraid she'll flip it off her back end when she sees them! She loves all our kids and all is right in her world when they come home ... Kandice (our oldest daughter) is her favorite. She loves Roxy too and Roxy knows that she will take her out to throw the ball. This picture was taken on a lazy fall afternoon when Branson was looking out our family room window. Roxy snuggled right up to his side and looked out the window with him. I just happened to walk in the room just at the right time. They sat looking out the window together for nearly 15 minutes this way - which is pretty amazing for both of them to have sat still for that long!