Yesterday was our 28th wedding anniversary. I can't believe I am old enough to have been married for 28 years!!! YIKES ... through all the years we have been good times and bad times but I wouldn't trade the past 28 years for anything in the world. We have three great kids and a great family and we are all so close. Glen is truly my best friend in life and the one I go to when I need to laugh, cry, complain or get a boost of encouragement. He is such a hard worker and has always makes sure we are all okay. He is the first to help out when someone needs help and you will never hear him complain. That is what I love most about him. He is such a generous person. He has done well with putting up with me for all these years, so he really needs a pat on the back!

Just to think that most of our family didn't think we'd last six months being married. I was 17 and Glen was 25 so we really had the odds stacked against us. Here we are 28 years later!