The guy on the radio reminded us this morning that it has rained here every day for the past seven days ... I didn't need to be reminded. It is seriously so wet here that we have over one inch of standing water on the grass, in the flower beds and the whole yard is absolutely saturated. I don't mind a little rain, but we have had so much rain the past few days it is getting ridiculous. We have had some crazy wind, hail, lightning and thunder storms, too. It was raining so hard last night as I was falling asleep it was SOOO loud. I love thunderstorms in the summer, but really love the sunshine too. I really haven't been warm yet this summer. We have had a couple of nice days, but certainly nothing summer like. I WANT SUMMER! I am just afraid that we will get all this rain now, and then it will turn off HOT and then no more rain for the rest of the summer.

It is hard to see in this picture, but there is over an inch of water in this flower bed. Glen planted all of his vegetable seeds just before all of this rain started and he is afraid they will rot in the ground.
Chelsie called yesterday and said she was going to go to the tanning beds for a few minutes. She is tanning to be beautiful for her wedding day. I told her I usually get enough sun just working in the yard, but it is so wet here, we are beginning to rust, not tan!
It's been a while since I've blogged. Things have been quite busy around here! I started watching Branson each afternoon while Jade and Brit work to help them out as Brit's job told her she had to work full time or lose her job. We hate the thought of him going to a daycare, not to mention the expense, so I have worked it out to where I can help them. He is such a fun kid. It is so funny how I can be having the worst day, copping a real bad attitude, and that little guy smiles at me and holds out his arms for me to pick him up and my mood is changed instantly. He is grandma's little buddy and keeps us going! He is learning so many things so quickly. He loves to mimic and scoots all over the floor. He isn't crawling yet (thank goodness) but sure can get around a room! He is babbling so much and says "dada" all the time now.

Jade and Brit and Daisy moved in with us the first of June. She is expecting November 4 and they are trying to get out of debt and get some money saved up before she goes off on maternity leave. It is a bit crowded but we were able to throw some stuff in storage and make room for them in the spare bedroom. So far things have been okay and it is fun to have them here. We are glad we are able to help them and in these tough financial times, we all need a little help and wish we could help all of our kids more than we are able. If I had my wish, we would all move into a GREAT BIG house and all of us live together and share expenses. I just don't know how anyone is expected to make it on what companies pay for wages these days and the expense of everything else. It seems all young couples we know are struggling financially and just barely making it.
The wedding plans are nearly done. We are just putting the finishing touches on everything. Chels and Brian will be home this weekend and Brian is picking out tuxes. That is the last thing on the list. We are picking up the invitations today and mailing them out next week. I can't believe it is less than a month away! It is going to be a beautiful day. I am sure that Glen and I will be crying, but they will be happy tears. Seems so strange to be having our last wedding!
Glen is working day shift and I love it!! It is so nice to have him actually eat dinner with me and be in the bed with me at night. It has been a lot of years that he has worked graveyard and has taken some adjusting but I think he is getting used to sleeping at night and seems like he has so much more spare time.
Not much else new in our lives.
Let's all hope summer makes an appearance one of these days. I want barbecues, sun, a day at Bear Lake and just to be warm for a change!